City Bike scheme replaced by e-bikes in Liverpool.
According to the city council, Voi and Liverpool City Council are working together to provide environmentally friendly transportation.
The citybike scheme has been replaced with an e-bike hire programme in Liverpool.
50 e-bikes have been added to Voi’s e-scooter fleet in the city.
The company wants to add 100 e-bikes to its fleet if customers like the ones it has already deployed.
For Liverpool to become a carbon-free city by 2030, Councillor Dan Barrington said e-bikes will play an important role.
Local Democracy Reporting Service said the failure of the city bike project, which was launched in 2014, was due to annual losses of around £300,000, vandalism, and theft.
Anyone aged 16 or over can rent Voi’s new e-bike model, the Explorer 2, in Liverpool.
The same app can be used to activate Voi’s e-scooters, which are part of a new contract with Liverpool City Council until May 2024.
The e-bikes from Voi, Matthew Pencharz said, will enable people to change their travel patterns to ‘reduce unnecessary pollution and congestion.’
According to Liverpool City Council’s cabinet member for climate change and environment, providing people with multiple active travel options will help improve their physical and mental health, as well as the city’s air quality and efforts to become carbon-free by 2030.